Why choose Arghentia

We welcome the requests of our customers, whether they are sketches, outlines, images, or simply moods and styles to refer to
With our team, we carry out the first feasibility study. We choose the techniques to be used according to the productivity and budget set by the customer and we carry out in-depth research on any requests for materials, finishes, new techniques, suppliers, etc.
3D rendering of any models, resin printing processing and steps to define the object. In some cases, the modelling is done manually with wax or by first making a handmade prototype. All this to have the customer assess the possible need for changes and / or improvements, before moving on to the final development of the model.
3D rendering, resin or wax models and prototypes are submitted to the style offices of the Maison for approval and are passed on for final sampling. This is a very time-conscious process
Cataloguing of approved pieces and creation of detailed technical data sheets (with codes, list of components, work phases, …)
Launch of the definitive model by the customer, with the specific request of the products to be made and their various finishes, intended for fashion shows or showrooms of the Maison in the various countries
Receipt of sales orders with relative delivery deadlines
Order development and production start-up
Quality control of every product
Completion, packaging, and shipment
We are always available to our customers to respond to any need and guarantee support in continuity with our work

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